How to add people to roles in a server:
Open config_remoteadmin.txt
Follow the format below which is also in config_remoteadmin.txt
#At the bottom add the SteamID64 ( Get it here ) from the users that you want to give access like this
- 7656119801009xxxx: owner
- 7656119811115xxxx: admin
- 7656119804579xxxx: moderator
- 7656119813399xxxx: moderator
Make sure to remove the "SomeSteamId64" placeholders!
Adding more roles on the server:
Open config_remoteadmin.txt
Follow the format below which is also in config_remoteadmin.txt
#Let's say we want to add rank ABC - we need to write it on the list
#Next configure it abc_badge: ABC abc_color: silver
#And assign steamid to it Members:
- 7656119801009xxxx: abc
Allowed colors for roles:
Pink |
red |
default |
brown |
Silver |
light_green |
crimson |
cyan |
Aqua |
deep_pink |
tomato |
yellow |
Magenta |
blue_green |
orange |
Missing permissions:
You should add the following options to config_remoteadmin.txt and customize them.
#Changing player groups
SetGroup: [owner]
#Information about player's
GameplayData: [owner, admin]
#Overwatch mode
Overwatch: [owner, admin, moderator]
#Doors management
FacilityManagement: [owner, admin, moderator]
#Admin Tools
PlayersManagement: [owner, admin]